Opinion writing and visual commentary are essential components of journalistic writing. Editorials, guest commentaries and letters to the editor allow the publication and its readers to enter into dialogue. The editorial cartoonist adds another dimension to looking at different angles of a topic, issue, organization or individual. “Only a Matter of Opinion?” was created in more »
Archive for February, 2012
Variety Built Upon Shared Goals

When the original 15 teachers met at Marquette University in 1988 to create a course that would combine an English honors-level composition course and a journalism course, it soon became clear that no one curriculum would serve the needs of all schools.
Intensive Journalistic Writing Courses Give Summer Reading Assignments

Alan Weintraut, the film study, print and online journalism teacher at Annandale (Va.) High School, is an Intenisve Journalistic Writing Institute participant and leader who developed a strong program. When Alan’s AP English Language and Composition sections grew, Joy Korones teamed with Alan to teach one of the classes. Below is the letter their registered students received before school was out in June 2010. This is the first assignment of the 2010-2011 academic year.